Saturday, August 23, 2008

Thirty Day Challenge: Day X

Hi folks!

I'm on day X, which means:

  1. I did the keyword research
  2. I did the SEO research
  3. I have my site up
  4. I have loads of posts
  5. I made a Squidoo Lens
  6. I made a Hub
  7. I made a Weebly Site
  8. I have around 30 bookmarks in 5 bookmarking services
  9. I'm writing content like crazy
So, in the laymans terms: I'm exhausted. This is not hard, but too many clicks, too many content to write each day. I know, it's because I started on Aug. 15 and not Aug. 1. So I have to catch up with everything, but... nevermind

I heard so many people whining about AdWords ("Uuuuuh, If they teach AdWords, the "free" system doesn't work")

(I know you certainly have read these reasons like 5 times (I know I have)) but I'd like to chew on them for a bit)

Let's define what's free: For the first run it's "doesn't cost me money"!

Okay then, let's get back to basics: Money, to be precise Currency is the value of your WORK. The Currency is an artificial thing! It makes possible for you to exchange your WORK for something ELSE. If you work - In the Ideal World - you get Currency, it's that simple. Okay, let's have a look at TIME. What you do is you exchange Your TIME with a lot of other things like: KNOWLEDGE (Learning stuff), SOCIAL VALUE (chatting on FriendFeed) or TRAFFIC ( social bookmarking)..
Money is an inferior asset compared to TIME. You can get all the Money you want with TIME, but you can't get all the TIME back that you want with Money.

So what the people using AdWords do: they pay a very high price for their time. Nothing else.

So the work you do on your site is not FREE, it costs you TIME and EFFORT.

Okay, enough of this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good point. I'm with you. Too many whiners!
