Saturday, September 6, 2008

The POP Framework

As Google Chrome was released, and it's parallel architecture was revealed, my little dream seems possible, and good.

A Short Overview about my Idea: The POP Framework.

We live in a Web 2.0 world, where robust AJAX systems rule the internet like: or Or Even (or at least some services)

Some weeks ago I found that little code called urchin.js. It's about 10.000 lines long javascript code, probably originally written in java and then translated to AJAX. I saw that 
Most Computation Is Done On The Client's Side!!!!!!!!!!!

Isn't that awesome ?
Why not move "everything" to the users side ? 1 user's action often doesn't require big computational power, but even if it does: CPU is cheap!

With "everything" I mean most of the computation. The data still needs to be on the server... or does it ? What if cookies and temporary files were utilized to work as personal data storage ??

Of course some stuff has to be on servers: BUT IT DOESN'T NEED COMPUTER CLUSTERS ANYMORE!!!

Why build more computers when most CPU time just isn't utilized ?? Why consume more energy ?

I'm not a parallel computing engineer, I don't know the specs, but I WILL make a JavaScript framework capable of computing a given set of instruction. 

It's just the next logical step. It's the time to take our computation from our Mom's and Dad's (Google, Squidoo... etc) hands and just do it ourselves.

What if search engines were people driven: 
Every page would be "crawled" by (almost) every visitor, the content of that site would be evaluated and scored immedietly, there would be no lag time of changes. There would be an opportunity to vote for that page (like on stumbleupon) and included that in search engines. Personalization would be regular. 

This is good for search engines.. or for that matter: any Web 2.0 site can utilize that. And good for the users because the computational power of the search engines (thus the quality of search results) would double or triple.. or get even better. 

btw: POP = Power Of People.

What if I took that 1 step further: What about P2P ? 

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Is There A Chrome Conspiracy ????

Yeah, I'm in too. 


for windows users: Download!!
(If you want a review, lifehacker just did that)

But I have to raise some concerns here: I hate going into conspiracy theories and such, but as I love massively parallel system ideas, here's one for you:

What if Google used your 1% or 0.0001% of your computer's CPU time ?

What if Google does this to eveyone using Google Chrome ?

What if Google just turns off the Googlebot (Google's spider), and just rely on this Massively Parallel System at hand (the Google Chrome User Base...), because we humans are the Best Spiders Ever (we can follow image links, we can filter out spam, etc..) ?

I mean, there's a line between the Storm botnet (computers, infected by a malware program called Storm worm and used for whatever the creators of the malware wanted to use them for), and the Mersenne project (users actively agreed on devoting the spare CPU time to find bigger Mersenne primes(math, I know.. brrr)). 

And That Line Is: Consent. 
But Googlers are a nifty bunch, so I wouldn't be surprised if they started these types of tests already... 

So answer me this question: Do you think Google would harvest that massive and powerful idea of PEOPLE ?

(one little comment, the last couple of days I was thinking about writing a Power Of People framework doing something similar...)