Saturday, August 23, 2008


I have to clear some stuff up about Qassia, because a lot of people haven't used it as seriously as me.

Qassia is a new "Web 2.0" (which means people are involved) "Content Sharing Site" (which means you can write for another hour to publish there too.. pff). The great things about them:
  1. Their TOS ( Terms of Service) is very loose: you can publish copied stuff too.
  2. People do the revising, people who are rewarded for their work, and they are Users, not Professionals. These Users aren't used to revising articles, so they might click on your link
  3. If you publish a lot of articles, you get 1 quality backlink (in the Top 100 sites page..)
Things you shouldn't expect from them:
  1. You get a "quality backlink" with each article: that's actually not true: you get a mediocre backlink, which most of the times won't be indexed, so as such doesn't worth anything.
  2. Social Love of anykind: they are going for the rewards and nothing else.

Qassia is in a closed beta phase, you can only get in with the help of an insider.
Here's my "affiliate link".. I get actually nothing from it:


One of my friends (let's call him Mr. D): Asked me to make an automatic submitter for this site. It's in alpha phase. If you want to try it out, and help me, shoot me an email, subscribe to my friendfeed.. Try to contact me, I'm available.

What the software does: it takes a bunch of articles (PLRs and such..) and automatically submits it to qassia.. there are some sneaky things in it so be prepared :D

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